• A flatlay of 4 books by Rachael Lippincott

    Surprise! Interview with YA Author Rachael Lippincott

    A few weeks ago, J and I had the pleasure of interviewing Rachael Lippincott in advance of her upcoming release Pride and Prejudice and Pittsburgh (August 29, 2023 from Simon & Schuster). You might know Rachael as a co-author of Five Feet Apart, which was also made into a film. We haven’t read her newest novel yet, but we both enjoyed our respective interview prep reads – Jessie even cried (!! *gasp* lol) listening to The Lucky List. We hope you enjoy this little surprise between seasons of the show 🙂  

  • Book cover of Daughters of Nri on a yellowish gold background. Reni. K Amayo is written in calligraphy in the top left, and interview is written 3 times in a circle in the upper right.
    Bonus Episodes,  Interview

    Interview with Reni K. Amayo, author of Daughters of Nri

    Final interview episode coming at you with Reni K. Amayo, author of The Return of the Earth Mother series and founder of Onwe! The first book in the series, Daughters of Nri is available now, and you can pre-order the forthcoming book in the series, Decedents of the First, which is available October 5th! You can find Reni on Instagram or Twitter, and we highly recommend checking out her books! Onto the notes! Noughts and Crosses by Malorie Blackman Dorothy Koomson Take the character quiz mentioned in the episode! Check out Onwe’s podcast SUBTEXTing The Read podcast Reni is listening to Game of Thrones audiobook, watching Modern Family and WandaVision, and reading Dream Country…

  • Front cover of Girl in the Walls on a mauve background
    Bonus Episodes,  Interview

    Interview with Katy Michelle Quinn, author of The Girl in the Walls

    We’re excited to bring you our second interview! This time we’re chatting with Katy Michelle Quinn. She is the author of Girl in the Walls, which is out June 1, 2021 from Clash Books. You can preorder the book here! Say ‘hi’ to Katy Michelle Quinn on twitter or instagram. Katy has attended Bizarro Con and misses those moments of connection at in-person conventions. She is reading N.K. Jemison’s novel The Fifth Season, listening to hyper pop like Charlie XCX as well as metal, hardcore and country music. Katy is also watching Star Trek for the first time (!) and recently re-watched Will & Grace. Katy’s horror recs include the director Dario Argento and…

  • Bonus Episodes,  Interview

    Interview with Ashaye Brown, author of Dream Country

    We’re thrilled to bring you this interview with author Ashaye Brown (she/her) whose debut novel, Dream Country,will be released on April 27, 2021. Aka next week (!!) for those of you listening when the episode drops. This will be the first in a mini-series of three author interviews we will be releasing in the lead up to our next season of the podcast. You can order Dream Country directly from Onwe — do it soon to get a limited edition, signed version!! I mean, behold the beautiful bookplates. Follow Ashaye on twitter @AshayeBrown for amazing content. Really, tho, follow her! (listen to the episode to hear why Jessie and Kelly rave about…

  • Kelly smiles with a mug of butter beer in her hand
    Bonus Episodes,  Interview

    20. Interview with Kelly

    Hey listeners, welcome to the second (and final) installment of our interview mini-sodes! In this episode, Kelly fields questions from Jessie about a plethora of extremely important topics including superpowers, fur babies, astrology, and books (#obvi). Like Jessie did for the last episode, I (Kelly) am updating the show notes with information I forgot to share in the interview. Feast your ears! My dogs are named after two Battlestar Galactica characters: Starbuck (callsign for Kara Thrace) and Helo (callsign for Karl Agathon). The Portlandia episode about BSG describes how all-consuming the show can be. A friend sent me this wonderful video from the show Crazy Ex-Girlfriend about normalizing antidepressant and…

  • Jessie holding a mug of butterbeer
    Episodes,  Interview

    19. Interview with Jessie

    Hey, everyone! We’ve decided to do something different and interview each other for the next two episodes so you can get to know us better! In this first interview, Kelly is interviewing Jessie. Is there anything you were surprised to learn? Jessie is writing the show notes to include anything else she forgot to say in her interview! I am huge supporter of #adoptdontshop, because adopting a pet means saving a life. Lainey (the podcat!) was adopted, and I love her so much. She is one of the best things that ever happened to me. Also, if you’re getting a cat, please do not declaw them! #pawsneedclaws Cats need their…